Friday, April 3, 2015

5 Tips to Avoid Weight Gain Over the Holidays

We all want to indulge over the holidays, but no one wants to discover they've piled on an extra ten pounds come January. If you want to avoid unpleasant holiday weight gain, here are some great ways to have your cake and eat it too.

1. ONLY EAT at parties and events. If you know you have a gorge-fest ahead of you at a holiday party or event, put yourself on a liquid-only regime until then. Sip on healthy green juices, water and herbal teas. Get lots of rest and when you get to the party let loose keeping in mind to...

2. STICK to PROTEIN foods. Try to avoid anything super sweet or carb heavy. Load up on cold shrimp, smoked salmon, cheese, and any other protein-heavy snacks and treats offered. As protein burns more slowly and evenly, you'll feel full longer and won't keep gorging out once you have reached your natural threshold of 'fullness'.

3. MIX YOUR BOOZE with water or ice, whenever possible. Being hydrated not only prevents you from getting a hang-over, it also makes you more alert, keeps your face looking fresh and helps prevent that 'crash' that occurs after too many drinks.

4. STICK TO LOW-CALORIE beverages. Yes, one exciting cocktail or Bailey's shooter is fun, but sipping on a glass of white or red wine is not only sophisticated and classy, you'll avoid over-indulging and making an ass of yourself like other girls do when they mix a flurry or exotic drinks together.

5. GET EXTRA NOOKIE. Hey, it's the holidays - live it up. Getting it on with your loved one is a sure-fire way to burn up excess holiday calories. If it's a quickie at lunch, a longie right before a party, or a mile-high-club encounter in the Santa-be-decked powder room, use ANY and EVERY opportunity to get on the love train and burn those mega-joules. Tis the season after all! Ho-Ho-Ho!


1. Stick to a Feast or Famine regime. Food at parties and events - healthy liquids in between or just prior.

2. Focus on Protein-Rich foods. They burn more slowly and keep you feeling full.

3. Dilute Alcohol. Mixing with water or ice keeps you hydrated and allows you to avoid feeling tired or too drunk.

4. Don't Mix Alcohol and Keep it Low-Calorie. Mixing Strange drinks together (especially high-calorie ones like Egg Nog, shooters and sweet concoctions are a sure-fire way to feel bloated and over indulge.

5. Get Frisky! You'll burn more calories and show your loved one just how fun the holidays can be!
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