Friday, April 3, 2015

Guidelines to Assist You to Lose Weight in a Healthy Way

Normally, overweight people are conscious about their weight and hence, losing it becomes a top priority to them. They will go to greater lengths and hurdles to shed as much weight as they can. However, many people are oblivious of the fact that you can lose weight using different and less-strenuous methods.

While some of these methods have proven to be unscrupulous, most of them have been tested and proven effective. As such, you should always be cautious when looking for effective weight loss methods that will ensure that you maintain your good health even after you shed the intended weight.

Various programs have been rolled out to address weight loss. A good number of them focus on fad diets. In such a situation, you would have to sacrifice and commit to less food portions. As you would imagine, this is not usually an easy task and it calls for a stronger willpower and consistency until you get to your final goal.

Naturally, a good number of people tend to dwindle long before they achieve their target. However, with utmost discipline anyone can sail through with ease. The following tips are meant to curb your appetite in a bid to make you lose weight without actually straining to do so. Feel free to include a few exercises to ensure that you stay physically active and your body responds positively to any new adjustments.

Tip 1: Ditch Sugars and Carbs 

These two are the active elements that awaken the insulin secretion, which enables your body to store fats. Go for foods that have little sugars and carbohydrates. This will ensure that you stay a step ahead in countering fat accumulation, as there will be zero insulin to heap fat in your body.

Most importantly, your kidneys will heave a sigh of relief because they will not be too overwhelmed, and so they will not strain when shedding excess sodium and water. In turn, your body will lose up to 10 pounds of water weight in the initial week of this program.

Tip 2: Increase your Proteins and Vegetable

Map out a balanced diet that includes low carb vegetables, a few proteins and a little fat. Ensure that you regulate your portions. For starters, your carb intake should range between 20 to 50 grams daily.
Some of the best animal proteins are derived from tuna, Greek yogurt, grass-fed beef, and wild salmon and pastured chicken. Note that proteins aid your metabolism and will allow you to feel fully satisfied.

Low-carb veggies such as kale, spinach, lettuce, celery, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower should occupy a large part of your space. Consume as many veggies as you can, it does not pile up your weight.

Contrary to that, they enrich your body with minerals, vitamins and fiber that are beneficial to your body and your overall health.

Considering that, you should include fats in your diet, ensure that you settle for fats such as butter, tallow, lard, olive oil and coconut oil. Some people sabotage the weight loss process simply by having fear of fats, which drives them to consume a low-carb diet.

Tip 3: Exercise at least Three Times in a Week

While this is an optional step, it plays a huge role as it allows your body to tone up during the weight loss and it helps you shape your body too. Register for a gym session to get a bit of motivation. The weight loss journey is a journey best walked in company, you need all the motivation and a better way is to enroll in a gym. Alternatively, you can invest in a few exercise equipment's such as the treadmill and weights.
For further questions and more information about weight loss, visit and watch your life transform for the better all thanks to affordable diets and workouts.
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