Thursday, April 9, 2015

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The Best Back Fat Exercises

When a person is overweight, the most common places that they complain about the extra weight are the arms, legs, buttocks, and the midsection. One often overlooked place, where people carry extra weight is the back. When you have back fat, it can often be seen when you are wearing no shirt, a halter-top, bathing suit, and even a tight-fitting shirt. If back fat is a problem for you, the following is a list of some of the best back fat exercises. With hard work and dedication, you will be able to put an end to back fat, liberating you to wear whatever you want without worry.

Back T-Raises

This exercise is aptly named, due to the motions that you do during the exercise. First, you should start with a 2-pound dumbbell in each of your hands. Stand with your feet apart; preferably the width of your hips. Bend your knees and flatten your back while sticking your buttocks out. You want your shoulders to be parallel with the floor. Bring your arms straight down so that your hands with the weights are pointing down to the floor. Slowly bring your arms out at your sides, and raise them as high as they can go. You should start out by doing 3 sets of 10 reps each.

As you do this exercise more often, you can begin adding reps to your exercise regimen. You should continue doing the reps until your arms tire. Do not force yourself to do more than you can handle as this will lead to torn muscles, and you will not be able to work out again until they heal.

Single Arm Dumbbell Rows

In order to do this exercise, you will need a dumbbell that weighs between 15 and 25 pounds. You will start in the same position as you did with the Back T-raises. To do this exercise, you should stand close to a wall, with your free hand on it to give yourself some extra stability. Start with the weight in hand down by your side. Bring the weight up slowly to the chest by bending your arm at the elbow. Do 3 sets of 10 reps each. As you get stronger, you can begin adding reps to your workout.

Assisted Pull Ups

This exercise can be done at the gym with the assisted pull up machine. It can also be done at your home with a pull up bar and a chair. Stand in front of the pull up bar, facing it. Hold onto the bar, with your knuckles facing you and keep your feet planted on the chair. Use the chair to lift yourself off the chair with your legs, but use your arms to do most of the work in order to complete the pull up. Start by doing 3 sets of 10 reps each. After doing this exercise for a few weeks, you should be able to add more sets and eventually you may be able to lose the chair.

Additional Weight Loss Tips

While these exercise all work great, it is also necessary to add cardio to your workout. An exercise that gets your heart beating, and helps you break a sweat is a perfect exercise for fat loss. Bike riding, jogging, and speed walking are all excellent forms of cardio. If you can get to the gym, working out on the elliptical or walking or jogging on the treadmill are also excellent forms of cardio. When you combine cardio and these strength-training exercises, you are burning calories and fat, and creating muscle as well.

When trying to lose back fat, or weight anywhere else for that matter, it takes more than just exercise. It is necessary to eat a balanced diet, and keep your calorie count down if you want to lose the weight. Changing your diet habits will help you to keep the weight off long term.

What you eat is not the only thing that you need to consider when trying to lose back fat. When you eat, also has an impact on your diet. Rather than eating three large meals a day, it is a good idea to eat three small meals, and a healthy snack in between meals. Most people eat their largest meal at dinner. This is a bad idea. The biggest meal should be eaten at breakfast. This will give you the fuel that you need to get through the day, and you will also have all day to burn off the calories from breakfast. The smallest meal should be eaten at dinner. This is because most people eat dinner in the evening, and do not do much physical activity after to burn off the calories that they consumed at dinner.

It takes dedication and hard work to lose weight. Starting with these back fat exercises, starting a cardio regimen, and eating healthy is the best way to get in great shape.

Reese Rider is a health researcher specializing in losing weight naturally through a healthy lifestyle. He's written hundreds of articles about losing body fat, belly fat, back fat, healthy eating, healthy exercise, including back fat exercise and more. Learn more by going to
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