Wednesday, April 8, 2015

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The Right Motivation for Losing Weight

Losing weight is not easy, and this continues to be an undying fact. Whether you have been to your ideal weight or you have been doing various weight loss strategies, the desire to continue in your battle to lose those extra pounds always starts and ends with the right amount and quality of motivation. Motivation can do wonders in reshaping a person's ideal in life. Motivation, when taken seriously and cultivated, can be the difference between staying fat, heavy with health problems, and looking beautiful while functioning effectively. What are the right motivations to lose weight? Will I ever have that motivation?

This is Me Right Now

The change starts with acceptance. Look at yourself in the mirror, stark naked. What are you seeing? Describe the things that you are seeing and perform a self-evaluation based on this. Highlight the things that you want to change about yourself and make sure you identify your inner motives. Motives are a guide in establishing and building your motivation. Without them, it is impossible to ever develop your motivation.

This is Me After

Envision an image in your head. This should be the person you want to be after going through the process of losing weight. Take note that in order for you to change physically; you need to change how you see yourself first. Change is always successful when partnered with persistence and hard work.

I Can Improve: This is What I Need to Do

Recognizing your need to change will automatically open doors for the actual change to occur. Research the various methods of losing weight to identify what you would want to engage in. Diet, in order to lose weight, is great, but the temptation to go cheating over your diet is always there. When you feel like you're giving into that juicy steak or that crunchy French Fry, remember this, "if I give up now, I won't get anywhere and I will be stuck in my old self forever. I cannot afford to give up, and there is no room for excuses."

Find a Trainer

The sense of challenge is a great motivation for those who are losing weight. An excellent idea is to get a trainer that will guide you in doing your weight loss regimen. You can always seek the help of a physical fitness trainer for consultation and advice about exercises that you need to do about losing weight.

Join a Marathon

Join marathons and showcase the things that you have learned from your trainer. Start from a simple 10K run, and you can progress to more advanced levels. Marathons let you focus on achieving a certain target, which will strengthen your motivation. If you don't get a brainknocking time record, it's okay. Learn to forgive yourself and never stop trying.

Get a Sport

Sports provide a wonderful avenue in expanding your motivation while losing weight, and it's actually enjoyable. With sports, you can find friends who will encourage and help you in achieving your goals because it is always helpful to have a support system which understands and experience the same struggles that you are going through. An exercise partner is also helpful, but make sure that you are resting on your motivations, and you can go through the process of losing weight even without him or her.
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