Sunday, April 12, 2015

How To Keep The Weight Off Once You've Lost It

If you are trying to lose some unwanted body fat or if you have reached your weight loss objectives, how do you stop putting on weight in the long-term? You now have healthy diet and have exercised to lose weight, and you look and feel good. The difficult bit now is to avoid weight gain by returning to bad habits and putting all the weight back on.

There are a few effective strategies which can help you maintain your new figure and help you stop putting on weight. They are easy to implement and provide a lifetime of benefits.
How To Stop Putting On The Pounds.

If conscious behaviors are carried out regularly enough, they become unconscious behaviors as time passes. If you take conscious control of your daily life you can avoid weight gain and not return to your unhealthy habits. If you have lost excess weight, remind yourself why you feel so good about the way you look and feel now.

Then write down why you lost weight to start with. Perhaps it was because of the health problems associated with being overweight? Or was it because you did not like the way you looked? When your reasons are big enough, it will stop you from sliding back into your old habits which lead to bad results. When you jot down your reasons, keep them somewhere where you can see them everyday.

Be Kind To Yourself To Avoid Weight Gain.

If you are having a tough time trying to stop putting on weight by not sticking with your health and exercise habits, don't beat yourself up. Malena Perdomo, RD, is a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, and she says that it is sometimes more difficult to maintain weight loss and fitness than it was to achieve your goals.

Our busy, fast-paced lives and constantly changing family and work schedules can throw out healthy new habits. If you recognize the occasions when you slip up, and don't be too hard on yourself. Feeling down about returning to bad health habits can lead to depression and anxiety, which can cause poor health and even more bad habits in the form of binge eating.

The next time you are reaching for some comfort food, ask yourself if you are really hungry, or if you are in search of an emotional snack. Remember the quickest way to revert to old bad habits is by totally depriving yourself of your favorite foods and not just only eating foods that prevent weight gain. Reward your weight loss and new figure periodically with treats and desserts and you will find it easier to stick to the fitness and weight loss program which helped you to stop putting on weight in the first place.

Do you want to learn more ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Claim your FREE ebook with over 100 tips to lose belly fat.

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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Dr Oz Diet - How It Works

The Dr. Oz diet is designed around healthy living as opposed to simply eating with the aim of losing weight. According to Dr. Oz, weight loss is basically achieved by a healthy diet. The diet also aims at decreasing your waist line because according to Dr. Oz, decreasing of the waist line helps a great deal in improving your health.

The diet plan mainly focuses on disease prevention as well as the overall health of a person. It does not comprise astounding weight loss as it is for other diets, but when you follow it you will definitely lose weight. The major components of the Dr. Oz diet include lots of fibers as well as proteins that enhance a feeling of fullness which in turn suppress cravings for food. Carbohydrates such as brown rice and whole wheat pastas are recommended for this diet because they cause the body to burn fats as opposed to storing them.

With the Dr. Oz diet, you will be able to make small as well as simple changes to your diet and daily routine and achieve the best weight loss results without resorting to supplements and surgery. Another good thing about this diet plan is that it is not just going to help you lose weight for a certain occasion; it is going to benefit you in the long run due the many health benefits you will get from the foods and the daily routine.

A lot of people have indicated to have benefited greatly from the Dr. Oz diet. These ranges from the people who wanted to lose weight because they were obese, those who wanted a good body shape for their career, those who had tried other weight loss techniques but were not successful and many other people. Exercise is also recommended if you are on the diet plan to increase the activity level and lose more weight.

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3 Habits To Rethink For Weight Loss Success

Rethinking for your weight loss success begins with a clear understanding of how you gain weight. Everyone has their own calorie limit, and staying within yours can help you attain and maintain your personal healthy weight.. All of us need food to keep our body and brain functioning at optimum capacity. All foods provide the body with energy which is measured in units called calories. Extra calories (calories not burned) are stored and can result in extra pounds. The following equation is an easy way to remember this information.
Caloric intake minus calories expended (burned) equal calories stored

Our caloric intake is the sum of what we eat and how much of it we eat. For example, let's look at an individual between the ages of 40 and 50 who needs 2000 calories a day for normal activity and good health. From extra helpings or servings of favorite foods or snacks the extra calories consumed per day could easily range from 300 to 500 per day. This daily additional caloric intake could result in 3500 extra calories eaten per week. We know that calories not burned are stored by the body. Researchers tell us that 3500 calories stored is equivalent to one pound of body fat. Rethinking weight loss from a weight gain perspective gives you the edge you need to regain and maintain your healthy weight. Use these three habits to help you rethink and begin to enjoy weight loss success.

1-Be intentional Habit.

Think before you eat, and plan every meal. Dare to ask yourself the hard question... "is it worth the calories?" Enjoy your food, but eat less. Avoid oversized portions, and use smaller plates, bowls and glasses when you eat. Rethink the benefit of eating smaller nutritious meals, and eating pre-measured healthy snacks between meals. Eat until you are satisfied before you are full or the package is empty. If your goal is to have only a single serving, then check the total number of calories per serving and number of servings per package. Look at the label's serving size and compare how many servings you're really consuming. To keep it simple, if you double the servings you eat, you double the calories you eat.

2-Rethink skipping meals Habit

If you slip up and eat more than you should or eat too much what you shouldn't eat, avoid the temptation to compensate for the extra calories by skipping meals the next day. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, will not only make you feel hungrier later in your day, but can also and lower your resistance during a snack attack. Generally munching on junk food (which satisfies during a snack attack) will add to your daily total more calories than you can afford. Also skipping a meal not only leaves you less energized, but also increases your urge to become more sedentary and remain less active.

3-Rethink what you eat Habit

Setting a caloric goal for the day and recording what you eat keeps you conscious of what you're eating. The evidenced supports that keeping a diary of what you eat you can almost double your weight loss success. A food journal keeps you aware of how much you're really eating and lets you see, and make the necessary adjustments to stay on target for your healthy weight. Also, a written record holds you accountable, so you think twice (rethink) before you lose control and stuff your face. Finally, people who succeed at losing weight and keeping it off do this one thing habitually. They weigh themselves often, and keep a record of their progress. The evidence strongly indicates that seeing your weight on the scale at least once a week helps to reinforce the rethinking habit, by keeping you aware.

Want to learn more? It is never too late to change your habits. Visit
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Ask Your Fitness Trainer About High Intensity Interval Training

Living in Dublin, Ireland's capital definitely has its perks, especially if you want to exercise and not get bored. Many people enjoy working with a fitness trainer in Dublin, but working in a gym every day can get pretty boring. This is why when you want to get things more interesting you can always ask your personal trainer about combining you exercising routine with some high intensity interval training.

Dublin offers many opportunities, so you will always have something new to see. Those who would love to see a new part of Dublin each day can ask their personal trainer for advice and he will definitely have some ideas. If you want to get away from the noisy city for a chance and breathe some fresh air, Dublin has many parks where people can train freely and enjoy the fresh air. Phoenix Park, which is actually the largest urban park in Europe, is a place preferred by many Dubliners, so you could definitely begin your fitness adventure there.

Personal training in Dublin is more than just working out in a gym and high intensity interval training is something that works your entire body. When you want to explore something else than Phoenix Park, a walk around the city might be just what you needed. There are tours that can take you to the heart of the city and allow you to admire its important landmarks St Patricks Cathedral, Dublin Castle and many others.

In fact, you can probably find a different route every time you feel like exercising. Of course, always ask your fitness trainer in Dublin how often you should go train because he is the one who can tell you how to successfully combine this activity with your regular fitness program. One thing is for sure, he will definitely encourage you to take advantage of what this city has to offer and enjoy the moments when you train to the fullest. Please keep in mind that training by yourself is only a good idea when you have basic fitness notions and that without a professional trainer the exercising routine can be ineffective.

In addition, those who feel like doing high intensity interval training and at the same time getting in touch with Dublin's vibrant atmosphere, can choose to train on the banks of River Liffey, which will take them to the most important places of the city. They will see the city's historic landmarks such as Trinity College and the modern ones and even get some great ideas for new entertaining locations where they could go together with their friends during the evening. Combining this with your regular fitness routine is definitely something that can help your body get into the shape you wish and let your mind relax and admire the beauty of Dublin.

There are so many beautiful trails in this city, that you will always find something new every time you feel like training. Whether you want the relaxing beauty of a park or the vibrant feel of the city streets, Dublin has never disappointed its fans. So ask your fitness trainer how often you should go training and explore your beautiful city that always has something new in store for you.

To find a fitness trainer in Dublin or information about personal training in Dublin, please visit these sites.

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5 Tips That Will Help to Eliminate Belly Fat

One of the most common questions I get asked is how to lose stubborn belly fat. Belly fat is actually the most dangerous type of fat - besides aesthetics and looking great in a swimsuit, a large waistline can be an indicator to many leading diseases.

Unfortunately it takes a little more effort than a few sit ups in the gym, in fact your abs are primarily made in the kitchen! So how do you shape up and look fabulous in your swimsuit? And, most importantly become healthier? Incorporate these 5 things and you will be on your way to decreasing stomach fat!

1. Include HIIT Cardio

- Studies have shown that High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) burns more calories and fat than long slow cardio sessions. Switching up your cardio routine by adding high intensity intervals and by combining cardio and strength intervals is an ideal way to increase your heart rate and boost your body's fat burning potential.

2. Get Rid of Sugar

- Eliminating sugar from your diet will help to keep your cortisol levels in check therefore decreasing the chances of your body to store fat. When you eat simple carbohydrates, such as candy, soda or baked goods, your pancreas creates insulin, a hormone that processes the food into blood sugar and moves it to your body's cells for energy use. If you eat too much high sugar and processed foods, your pancreas must produce a large amount of insulin at once, encouraging your body to start storing fat. This insulin spike then causes your blood sugar levels to drop quickly, leaving you feeling tired and hungry again.

3. Limit Dining Out

- When eating out, you want to avoid foods that are prepared, breaded, fried, creamed or crusted, as they will be likely high in fat. Healthier restaurant options are foods that are grilled, broiled or sautéed and are not covered in sauces, cheese and high fat dressings. It is in your best interest to think about these options so you are prepared when you get to the restaurant.
4. Get Your ZZZZ's

- Getting at least 7 hours of shuteye a night is important to getting and keeping a healthy body shape. Losing sleep changes hormone production, affecting your cortisol levels that cause insulin sensitivity, which eventually leads to belly fat. When you're tired you produce more ghrelin, which triggers cravings for sugar and other high fat foods. Not only that, but you end up eating more to sustain your energy late at night to keep your mind and body awake.

5. Eat Fat to Lose Fat

 - It takes fat to burn fat! It is NOT fat that makes us fat but the processed high sugar foods. Good fats include foods rich in Omega 3′s, like salmon, avocados & nuts. These foods are full of nutrients that help keep you satiated throughout the day.

Karen Gallagher is a leading fitness professional with an elite athletic background combined with over 18 years of knowledge and experience. Along with fitness competitions, Karen's main focus these days are her businesses Fit 4 Her personal training, Butt Slayer Boot Camps and Performance Coaching. She supports her clients with motivation, goal setting and nutritional programs to best suit their needs and goals and has helped hundreds of people to experience profound life transformations. Learn more at

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5 Best Fruits And Vegetables For Good Health And Weight Loss

Different foods help our bodies to grow, to heal, and to keep the immune system running properly but what are the best fruits and vegetables for weight loss? It's really important to eat healthily, so let's look at five of the best fruits and vegetables for weight loss and good health to include in your diet.

1. Broccoli.

The cruciferous family of vegetables are the best vegetables to eat to lose weight and one of the most nutrient-rich of this group is broccoli. It contains nutrients that help balance out other food elements that cause the body to deposit fat in our abdominal area..

Broccoli is also an excellent source of vitamins C and K, as well as folate, vitamin B and fiber. In addition, it contains potassium, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6, protein and calcium. Broccoli can help in reducing cholesterol levels which boosts cardiovascular health and fitness. It helps the body's cleansing system, aids vitamin D uptake and may also reduce our vulnerability to a number of allergies.

2. Blueberries.

The second on our list of the best fruits and vegetables for weight loss are blueberries. They are one of the best fruits to eat to lose weight because they have a low glycemic index (GI). This means they have a low impact on our blood sugar levels, so you won't get a sugar rush from eating blueberries. Eating foods with a low glycemic index is also believed to reduce the risk of developing type-II diabetes as well as coronary heart disease.

Blueberries are high on the nutrient-density scale as they are a good source of vitamin K, manganese and vitamin C. They are also a very rich source of antioxidants, which are believed to help minimize the risk of developing cancer.

3. Spinach.

Spinach is one of the best green vegetables for your health. It contains a huge quantity of nutrients which provides various health benefits. The most concentrated nutrients in spinach are magnesium, folate, iron, potassium, calcium, vitamin E, protein and zinc.

Spinach contains vitamin K, magnesium and calcium which is good for maintaining healthy bones. There are also antioxidants in it that help remove harmful free radicals from the body. Spinach may help reduce the risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer. It's also an anti-inflammatory, which means it can help lower our susceptibility to allergies.

4. Watermelon.

The best fruits to eat to lose weight are ones that are full of water, such as watermelon, because it helps keep you satisfied on fewer calories. Watermelon is 92% water and a good source of vitamin C. When it's the red variety (some are orange or yellow), it also has lycopene, an antioxidant that may help protect against heart disease and some types of cancer. Some of the other best fruits and vegetables to eat to lose weight because they are made mostly of water include cucumbers (95%), salad greens (90%) and strawberries (91%).

5. Apples.

You'll get more benefit from a raw crunchy apple rather than apple juice or apple sauce. Whole fruit dulls your appetite because it has more fiber. Apples are a great source of fiber which helps towards a healthy digestive system and chewing sends signs to your brain that you have eaten something substantial, so you feel less hungry.

This also aids in the regulation of blood sugar levels. Apples are also a great source of vitamin C. Although apples aren't as nutrient-rich as some other fruits and vegetables, they are thought to have both anti-cancer and anti-asthma properties. In addition, they're good for cardiovascular health.

Do you want to learn more ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Claim your FREE ebook with over 100 tips to lose belly fat.

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6 Ways to Lose Weight Easily

In developed countries across the world, the amount of people who are overweight is progressively increasing. Sedentary lifestyles and virtually unlimited access to large amounts of food has created an crisis of weight gain. But can you lose weight fast and easy without the need of pills, potions or risky techniques that could cause long-term damage your body and your health?

The answer is yes, if you are willing to make some simple changes to your daily routine. Just by changing your lifestyle there are many good ways to lose weight with improved nutrition and fitness. Here are six of them.

1. Avoid Fried Foods.

Do not eat fried foods if you want to lose weight. Fried foods have a high fat content and when food is deep fried in oil, the number of calories it contains are doubled if not tripled. Foods also lose a lot of vitamins and minerals when they are fried. Alternative preparations such as roasting, steaming, baking and grilling are much healthier and leaner ways to prepare your food.

2. Avoid Processed Foods That Claim To Be Fat Free.

Processed foods are not good ways to lose weight. These are foods which have been modified to last longer on store shelves. In the 'fat free' versions of processed foods, manufacturers remove the fat but often add extra sugar to improve the taste. This generally results in additional calories, often in excess of those contained in the regular, full fat versions of the same product.

3. Fresh Foods Are Best.

It goes without saying that a good diet to lose weight will be rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats or other pure protein sources. These foods will help you feel satisfied while losing weight. By avoiding fad diets or costly, special diet foods, you can change your eating habits, become generally healthier, save money, reach your target weight and maintain it easily.

4. Eat Slower.

If you are having trouble making your diet healthier, start by eating slower. A lot of people eat too fast so they overeat on fatty foods, before they even realise that they are full. This leads to more calorie consumption which is a large cause of weight gain.

5. Set A Cut Off Time For Eating.

A simple way of how to lose weight fast at home is to set a time to stop eating. For instance, you could stop eating anything after 8pm. This really is a good ways to lose weight because a cut-off time stops you from mindlessly snacking on foods until finally you go to bed.

6. Find Exercises That You Enjoy.

Exercise is a another great way to lose weight fast and easy. But if you hate the idea of going to the gym, there are other many different exercise activities. Walking, jogging, cycling and swimming all offer easy workouts to lose weight fast and can be done on your own or with a friend. Try different activities, schedules and frequencies so that you can find something that you like and will enjoy doing on a regular basis.

Losing weight and getting fit does not have to be difficult. For the best nutritional tips, the most proven exercise programs, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for fat loss with safe, natural and proven methods please click here.

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Health Problems Of Being Overweight

The problems of being overweight go far beyond how you actually look or that clothes do not really fit you. When you are aware of the dangers of being too heavy you will be able to decide on the best course of action for you to shedding those excess pounds. You can make quite a significant effect on your overall quality of health with just a small reduction in body fat.

Health Risks From Being Overweight.

Diabetes is one of the most evident problems of having too much body fat. Being physically inactive, eating the wrong foods and being overweight all lead to the risk of developing diabetes. Diabetes is a condition where your body can't process glucose. Glucose provides our bodies with fuel so that our internal systems can function correctly.

There are large number of the population suffering from diabetes and the related health problems that this disease can bring with it. Many people are unaware that diabetes is the leading cause of blindness and it is also a major cause of kidney disease.

In addition to this, diabetes increases your chance of having heart disease and suffering from a stroke by almost 400%. Suffering from heart disease is one of the risks of being over your recommended body weight. When you're at risk for heart disease, you're also at risk for stroke. Strokes occur when blood vessels in the brain burst. This can cause death of specific areas of the brain that go without oxygen and nutrients. Strokes are caused by the same factors that cause heart attacks and disease.

Male Problems Of Being Overweight.

For men, one of the problems of being overweight is erectile dysfunction. Also high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure are prevalent with people who are obese.

Snoring at night is one of the common problems of being overweight. This is because the fatty tissue at the back of your throat will obstruct your breathing passage when you are lying down. Losing even a small amount of body fat can reduce your snoring quite considerably and you'll benefit from getting better quality sleep at night giving you a lot more energy.

How Do You Solve The Problems Of Being Overweight?

It can be difficult knowing where to start with so many different weight loss programs and weight loss products on the market. How do you know which one is best for you and your lifestyle?

If a weight loss program becomes too difficult to stick with, then that is when you are going to have problems. You need to find a system that is easy for you to start and maintain and one that will get the results that you want in the easiest way possible. This will help to reduce the problems of being overweight and the lower the chances of having difficulties with other health conditions later in life.

Do you want to learn more ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Claim your FREE ebook with over 100 tips to lose belly fat.

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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Diet or Exercise for Weight Loss

Combine Exercise With Diet for Long Lasting Weight Loss
Whether the goal is to look and feel better or to improve health, many people want to lose weight. Until someone invents a magic pill, healthy weight loss comes from changing diet and exercise habits. But what happens when one diets without exercising, or exercises without eating well? Is dieting or exercising alone enough to lose weight and to keep it off?

If you only exercise...

In theory, exercising alone should cause weight loss. After all, exercise burns calories, and burning more calories than one uses results in weight loss. In real life however, this is not always the case. One reason that exercising alone does not usually shed pounds is that exercisers compensate for the calories burned by eating more. The amount of calories burned during exercise is often less than we think. This problem is augmented when one uses the calorie counter on cardio machines to estimate calories burned, as the machine often overestimates. If working out is used to justify a few extra treats, the result is usually weight maintenance or weight gain. It takes a lot longer to burn off the calories than it does to consume them! Also, regular exercise can increase appetite, which leads to eating more. If the increased food consumption more than makes up for the calories burned in a workout, the scale will creep up.

If you only diet...

Although making changes to diet can result in weight loss, there are some negative effects of dieting alone. One downside of calorie restriction is a slower metabolism, which means that the body burns fewer calories per day. This slow down, causes a plateau in weight loss, even though the caloric intake stays constant. Also, diets are often unrealistic. While some people may be able to restrict certain foods for a few months, most will not be able to maintain it for the long term. Because diets slow the metabolism, most dieters gain back the weight lost, plus more, when they get off the diet. Finally, dieting alone causes loss of muscle as well as body fat. Even thought the scale shows a change, the percentage of body fat may remain the same.
If you exercise and follow a healthy diet...

It is no surprise that combining a healthy diet with regular exercise is the most effective way to lose the weight and keep it off. Exercise helps to speed up, or at least maintain the metabolic rate despite a reduced caloric intake. Exercise also reduces the amount of muscle mass lost during dieting. This means that when the scale shows a drop in weight, the weight lost is likely body fat. Most importantly, people who exercise are more likely to keep the weight off. Even if exercise does not result in weight loss, it is a key component in maintaining one's new figure.

Tanja Shaw is the owner of Ascend Fitness Inc., a private training studio. Tanja and her team of expert professionals work to inspire and educate Chilliwack residents to make positive and power changes in their lives through physical fitness and sound nutrition. For more fitness tips go to

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The Best Back Fat Exercises

When a person is overweight, the most common places that they complain about the extra weight are the arms, legs, buttocks, and the midsection. One often overlooked place, where people carry extra weight is the back. When you have back fat, it can often be seen when you are wearing no shirt, a halter-top, bathing suit, and even a tight-fitting shirt. If back fat is a problem for you, the following is a list of some of the best back fat exercises. With hard work and dedication, you will be able to put an end to back fat, liberating you to wear whatever you want without worry.

Back T-Raises

This exercise is aptly named, due to the motions that you do during the exercise. First, you should start with a 2-pound dumbbell in each of your hands. Stand with your feet apart; preferably the width of your hips. Bend your knees and flatten your back while sticking your buttocks out. You want your shoulders to be parallel with the floor. Bring your arms straight down so that your hands with the weights are pointing down to the floor. Slowly bring your arms out at your sides, and raise them as high as they can go. You should start out by doing 3 sets of 10 reps each.

As you do this exercise more often, you can begin adding reps to your exercise regimen. You should continue doing the reps until your arms tire. Do not force yourself to do more than you can handle as this will lead to torn muscles, and you will not be able to work out again until they heal.

Single Arm Dumbbell Rows

In order to do this exercise, you will need a dumbbell that weighs between 15 and 25 pounds. You will start in the same position as you did with the Back T-raises. To do this exercise, you should stand close to a wall, with your free hand on it to give yourself some extra stability. Start with the weight in hand down by your side. Bring the weight up slowly to the chest by bending your arm at the elbow. Do 3 sets of 10 reps each. As you get stronger, you can begin adding reps to your workout.

Assisted Pull Ups

This exercise can be done at the gym with the assisted pull up machine. It can also be done at your home with a pull up bar and a chair. Stand in front of the pull up bar, facing it. Hold onto the bar, with your knuckles facing you and keep your feet planted on the chair. Use the chair to lift yourself off the chair with your legs, but use your arms to do most of the work in order to complete the pull up. Start by doing 3 sets of 10 reps each. After doing this exercise for a few weeks, you should be able to add more sets and eventually you may be able to lose the chair.

Additional Weight Loss Tips

While these exercise all work great, it is also necessary to add cardio to your workout. An exercise that gets your heart beating, and helps you break a sweat is a perfect exercise for fat loss. Bike riding, jogging, and speed walking are all excellent forms of cardio. If you can get to the gym, working out on the elliptical or walking or jogging on the treadmill are also excellent forms of cardio. When you combine cardio and these strength-training exercises, you are burning calories and fat, and creating muscle as well.

When trying to lose back fat, or weight anywhere else for that matter, it takes more than just exercise. It is necessary to eat a balanced diet, and keep your calorie count down if you want to lose the weight. Changing your diet habits will help you to keep the weight off long term.

What you eat is not the only thing that you need to consider when trying to lose back fat. When you eat, also has an impact on your diet. Rather than eating three large meals a day, it is a good idea to eat three small meals, and a healthy snack in between meals. Most people eat their largest meal at dinner. This is a bad idea. The biggest meal should be eaten at breakfast. This will give you the fuel that you need to get through the day, and you will also have all day to burn off the calories from breakfast. The smallest meal should be eaten at dinner. This is because most people eat dinner in the evening, and do not do much physical activity after to burn off the calories that they consumed at dinner.

It takes dedication and hard work to lose weight. Starting with these back fat exercises, starting a cardio regimen, and eating healthy is the best way to get in great shape.

Reese Rider is a health researcher specializing in losing weight naturally through a healthy lifestyle. He's written hundreds of articles about losing body fat, belly fat, back fat, healthy eating, healthy exercise, including back fat exercise and more. Learn more by going to
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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

5 Best Exercises For Successful Weight Loss

When you're working on exercises to get a flat tummy, you have to remember that any routine needs commitment. The best workouts for belly fat are not just about what actually works but also what you can stick with and what you'll enjoy doing. Let's take a look at 5 exercise tips for successful weight loss.

1. Resistance Training.

This form of exercise is generally regarded one of the best to achieve successful weight loss. Sometimes women can be unsure about exercising with weights because they don't want to build big muscles. But resistance or strength training delivers one of the best exercises to get a flat tummy because muscles burn more calories, even while they are at rest. The best way to burn fat with resistance training and not develop big muscles is to do a combination of exercises that work your whole body.

2. Interval Style Training.

As well as resistance training, aerobic exercises contribute towards successful weight loss and a flat belly. These are exercises that are designed to condition the heart and lungs and use up fat stores all over the body for energy. To get the maximum results from your aerobic exercises, swap between higher intensity exercise with low intensity recovery periods. With this interval training method, you can build stamina and burn more calories.

3. Walking And Running.

This exercise helps you shed weight while keeping your heart rate up and giving your lungs a good work out. Walking and running are two great exercises to get a flat tummy. Furthermore, the only equipment you need is a good pair of training shoes. Obviously running burns more calories, but brisk walking is not too far behind. Integrate interval training into your running and walking routine and don't forget to warm up and cool down.

4. Swimming.

Most people enjoy a dip in the pool, so why not turn that dip into some laps as a form of exercise? Swimming is one of the best exercises to get a flat tummy because it makes you work many other parts of your body while working your midsection. Swimming helps your lungs build endurance so that you're able to hold your breath longer and it works your legs and arms at the same time.

5. Cycling.

Riding your bike is another one of the best exercises to get a flat tummy. Depending on the speed and intensity, the average person can burn between 250 to 500 calories during a 30-minute bike ride. Riding your bike gives your body a lot of variety. Cycling not only works your tummy, but your legs and arms as well. Remember when biking, always be safe; wear a helmet and reflective clothing and take a water bottle with you.
Losing weight and getting fit does not have to be difficult. For the best nutritional tips, the most proven exercise programs, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for fat loss with safe, natural and proven methods please click here.
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5 Habits That Help You Lose Weight Effectively

Habits can help you lose weight effectively and get your desired slim body in the shortest possible time. 

A chubby body makes you feel inferior. You've applied a lot of methods to reduce weight sufficiently, but the weight loss process is slow and not as desired. So what is the reason?
Have you ever thought that your own daily habits are affecting your weight reduction process?

1. Eat all meals

When implementing a weight loss diet, you often skip breakfast, because you think that it helps stabilize the process of energy consumption. However, this is a misunderstanding, because it is not good for your stomach. The pressure of the blood sugar makes you feel hungry and exhausted. This makes you willing to eat anything. It is the main reason for the failure of your weight reduction process.

2. Do not listen to the radio while eating your meals

It seems like a simple habit. However, according to recent researches, if you listen to a fast-paced tune while eating, your pace will also increase. As a result, the consumed food is digested insufficiently. It could take a longer time for you to feel full and as a result, you consume more food. So, if you want to drop weight fast you should turn off the radio or turn on music with a slow and gentle melody.

3. Eat slowly

According recent research, it takes about 20 minutes to transmit messages from your stomach to your brain. So if you eat too fast, your body will not be able to absorb and control the amount of food taken into the body and will make you eat more than usual. Therefore, the best solution for you is to eat slowly. It reduces weight and increases your appetite.

4. Expose to sunlight regularly

When you are exposed to sunlight, your body will secrete a hormone called serotonin, which is good for your health. It reduces your sweet cravings and other components that cause fat accumulation in your body. So, when you feel like craving for sweets, you should go outside to breathe fresh air. It relaxes your mind and decreases your sweet cravings to the lowest point.

5. Have a good sleep

According to Stanford University's research, a nap will decrease leptin production. This is a powerful hormone in your body that stimulates the process of burning excess fat. It makes you always feel full and eat less. Therefore, a nap supports significantly in your weight-loss process.
Above are some habits to lose weight efficiently.

You should combine changing unhealthy habits with a suitable diet. It helps you burn excess fat quickly, reduces weight safely and provides you with your desired figure.
Discover the advantages of healthy weight loss and see the benefits that a weight loss exercise can do for you.

To learn more about how to lose weight quickly, safely and naturally. Get more information here!
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Change Your Language, Change Your Weight

One of the biggest differences I've found between people who are successful in losing weight and those that don't is the language the successful people use. Some of the most people I've met that have been able to lose weight and keep it off, don't use the term "lose weight." I've been told by more than a few people that even saying "I want to lose weight"is a type of self-fulfilling prophecy to gain it back. This might seem strange at first, it sure did to me, but I came around to their way of thinking. I was told that you use the terminology "lose"when you want to find something i.e. lost keys, lost children, etc. However no one wants to gain back the weight they worked so hard to get rid of in the first place! Imagine if just by just saying you want to lose 20 pounds and you do, but then you gain it back because subconsciously that language means to your brain, ""oh dear I must find that which I lost? Now I don't think weight loss is just that simple, but there have been a lot of studies that show the power of the brain in such circumstances, think of the phrase "mind over matter."

So what then do these successful skinnier people use instead of the proverbial "I want to lose weight?" Many replace that term with release weight, i.e. "I want to release 10 pounds." This simple statement on the surface looks very similar, but it is quite powerful to use language that doesn't have the same negative connotations connected to it as "losing weight"tends to have. This is especially true for chronic dieters and people that yo-yo up and down in weight. These people tend to lose weight, then gain it back, sometimes even more than they originally lost, then they lose it again, and their mind and body starts looking for it back. This can quickly turn into an endless cycle.

One simple and easy way to break the weight loss and gain cycle is to change your self talk. The first step could be as simple as changing your language around your goal. Instead of saying "I want to lose x pounds," try saying "I want to release x pounds." Just this one simple, easy to do step could get you off the weight loss and gain cycle you have been stuck on. Give it a try, it costs nothing.
Rosa Crumpton, is a registered nurse, researcher, and overall helpful coach. She loves to help people succeed in their healthy life goals. Want to learn more about women's weight loss? Just download my free guide, how 10 Best Resources for Women's Weight Loss Report:
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The Best Day To Start A Diet

I was recently talking to a lady who I met in the gym she was telling me about how it was a new week and she was going to get herself back on track and lose the weight she wanted to.

Firstly it is great that the lady was in the gym on a Monday and a bit fired up to start her week on the front foot with some healthy eating and quality exercise.

She was making the NORMAL decision to start things off on a Monday (again). It's the beginning of the week. The best place to start don't you think?

Well maybe not.

Let me explain why Monday is probably not the best day to start a new diet.
My experience tells me that by Friday night the lady in question may be tired and starving and could go back to her old habits whatever that means for her.

Starting on a Monday is easy, especially if you have had your fill over the weekend you are ready to have a little break. Your body and mind needs it. The trouble is, everyone lives for the weekend.
We have our routines. They are hard wired.

How many times have you started a diet on a Monday only for it to gone wrong by the weekend?
We are all the same on that front, myself included.

But of course being human, we don't tend to try a different approach when the one we are using doesn't work, we just try it again and again. We are supposed to be intelligent but I often doubt it.

That's often called the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".

So with that said, a change of approach would be sensible.

My advice would be to:

1. Start the diet on a Friday.

2. Plan nice healthy recipes for the Friday and Saturday.

3. Plan your meals. Try new recipes on a weekend when you would normally eat badly.

This strategy just changes the way you come at the issue of having no willpower when it comes to weekends.

This would help set you up for the following week and ensure you had some good results after sticking to a diet for 7 days in a row.

Then rinse and repeat.

When the results start to come, people often perk up a bit and find some motivation to get through the weekends a bit easier.
If you would like to receive weekly health and fitness updates on the top news in the industry along with several free gifts then follow this link:

Just enter your email address in the box on the right to receive a free 3 Day Detox Plan, an Easy Weight Loss Diet Sheet plus some free, easy to do, exercise routines.

There are also many easy to read helpful articles and information which can inspire you to reach your fitness and exercise goals FASTER!

Thanks for reading.
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5 Easy Weight Loss Tips For Women

A woman's hormones are different to a man because they have a higher level of the hormone leptin. This hormone plays an important role in appetite control, metabolism and weight loss. That's why weight loss tips for women are not going to be exactly the same as they are for a man.

1. Be Aware Of Your Hormonal Changes.

Any weight loss tips for women should acknowledge your premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS can trigger cravings, water retention in your body and make you feel like your diet is too difficult to stick with. If you have cravings, try and plan for them. For example, if chocolate becomes irresistible, opt for dark chocolate. It can satisfy your craving and, because it's very rich, smaller amounts will give you the fix you need. Also, avoid the scales for a few days if you know that you're going to have extra water weight at a particular time of the month.

2. Drink More Water.

One simple piece of advice on losing weight is to drink more water. Water flushes your system of any potentially harmful toxins and helps to fill you up so you won't feel too much of an urge to eat tempting foods. It has no preservatives, no sodium, and no calories. If you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water first. The sensation of hunger and thirst are very similar. You may just need to hydrate your body.

3. Avoid Processed Foods.

Foods that come in a box, can, bag or carton are processed and altered from their natural states in order to extend their shelf life. They are often poor quality and have very little nutritional value. Go through your cupboards and get rid of food that will lead you astray and won't serve you well. Cut up and store vegetables and fruits as soon as you have bought them, so any time you feel hungry, you've got some healthy snacks to hand and ready to eat.

4. Only Do Exercises That You Enjoy.

All advice on losing weight will include some sort of exercise. The important thing is to find an exercise that you like and that you will want to keep doing on a regular basis. If the gym is not for you, there are plenty of exercises that you can do at home. You can take your exercise routine outside with walking, jogging or cycling or opt for inside pursuits like swimming, dancing or zumba classes.

5. Write A Journal.

Use a notepad to write down the foods you're eating, and the exercises you're doing. By recording all the food and drink you have during the day, and under what circumstances you choose them, it becomes a lot easier to manage your eating patterns. In addition, you can keep track of how you are progressing with your exercise routine.
Do you want to learn more ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Claim your FREE ebook with over 100 tips to lose belly fat.
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The Right Motivation for Losing Weight

Losing weight is not easy, and this continues to be an undying fact. Whether you have been to your ideal weight or you have been doing various weight loss strategies, the desire to continue in your battle to lose those extra pounds always starts and ends with the right amount and quality of motivation. Motivation can do wonders in reshaping a person's ideal in life. Motivation, when taken seriously and cultivated, can be the difference between staying fat, heavy with health problems, and looking beautiful while functioning effectively. What are the right motivations to lose weight? Will I ever have that motivation?

This is Me Right Now

The change starts with acceptance. Look at yourself in the mirror, stark naked. What are you seeing? Describe the things that you are seeing and perform a self-evaluation based on this. Highlight the things that you want to change about yourself and make sure you identify your inner motives. Motives are a guide in establishing and building your motivation. Without them, it is impossible to ever develop your motivation.

This is Me After

Envision an image in your head. This should be the person you want to be after going through the process of losing weight. Take note that in order for you to change physically; you need to change how you see yourself first. Change is always successful when partnered with persistence and hard work.

I Can Improve: This is What I Need to Do

Recognizing your need to change will automatically open doors for the actual change to occur. Research the various methods of losing weight to identify what you would want to engage in. Diet, in order to lose weight, is great, but the temptation to go cheating over your diet is always there. When you feel like you're giving into that juicy steak or that crunchy French Fry, remember this, "if I give up now, I won't get anywhere and I will be stuck in my old self forever. I cannot afford to give up, and there is no room for excuses."

Find a Trainer

The sense of challenge is a great motivation for those who are losing weight. An excellent idea is to get a trainer that will guide you in doing your weight loss regimen. You can always seek the help of a physical fitness trainer for consultation and advice about exercises that you need to do about losing weight.

Join a Marathon

Join marathons and showcase the things that you have learned from your trainer. Start from a simple 10K run, and you can progress to more advanced levels. Marathons let you focus on achieving a certain target, which will strengthen your motivation. If you don't get a brainknocking time record, it's okay. Learn to forgive yourself and never stop trying.

Get a Sport

Sports provide a wonderful avenue in expanding your motivation while losing weight, and it's actually enjoyable. With sports, you can find friends who will encourage and help you in achieving your goals because it is always helpful to have a support system which understands and experience the same struggles that you are going through. An exercise partner is also helpful, but make sure that you are resting on your motivations, and you can go through the process of losing weight even without him or her.
Feel free to visit my new online diet book store at

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Small Steps - Big Weight Loss

A lot of people think that you have to take big steps to achieve weight loss success. They believe that the big weight loss stories are all about men and women who have made a huge change to their diet or start working out every single day of the week. Obviously, these big lifestyle changes can work for some people but for most of us it does not work.

To instantly change your lifestyle and then try and stay with a new routine is not easy. If you really want to change your body, the best weight loss plan is about making small and steady steps to achieve the results you want.

Small Steps To A Healthy Diet.

Don't try and totally change your diet in a single day. In fact, people who try quick and fast weight loss plans seldom manage to achieve any long lasting weight loss success because they cannot keep the sudden change. Try to change what you eat one food at a time, one week at a time.

As an example, to start your new weight loss diet plan this week, aim to eat a salad with two of your meals each day. You don't need to count calories and you don't need to eat less. All you need to do is eat a salad.
Then next week, your goal is to stop eating fried foods. Again, if that's your goal, it should be your only goal for the week. Don't try to overdo it by implementing too many changes at once. By changing your diet slowly, it gives your brain time to adapt to your new habits. It also gives your body time to adjust to the changing calorie levels and nutrition.

Taking Small Steps To Exercise.

In the same way as you slowly and gradually change what you eat, your exercise routine should also be taken bit by bit. If you try to start an exercise routine that is too hard core, there's a pretty good possibility your subconscious mind will start creating excuses for not exercising.

Start with just exercising one or two days a week, rather than trying to do something everyday. In the beginning it makes sense to take things a little bit slower. When you do your exercise routine, you do need to feel like you've pushed yourself, but not so much that your whole body aches for days afterwards. Once regular exercise becomes part of your weight loss plan, you can start to make your workouts more intense.
Do you want to learn more ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Claim your FREE ebook with over 100 tips to lose belly fat.
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How to Avoid Weight Gain After Quitting Smoking

Tons have been said about the negative effects of smoking to the body. There are so many clinical studies that have proven these claims. The bad chemical compounds and the smoke from cigarettes are known causes of various medical conditions. Despite several campaigns, there are still too many people who choose to take the risks. One of the reasons why some refuse to quit the habit of smoking is weight gain.

Weight gain is mainly caused by excessive food consumption. For smokers who are concerned about it, smoking is one of their preventive measures. They say that smoking helps to suppress hunger. What these folks fail to see is the real root cause of weight gain. Understanding how to properly manage weight loss is the key in managing health.

Harmful Effects of Smoking

Before enumerating the effects of smoking to weight loss management, it is important to outline its negative effects to the entire body. Here's a list of the many reasons why the habit must stop:

Heart related diseases

- Smoking has various negative effects to the heart. First, it reduces the level of good cholesterol resulting to smarter bad cholesterol that leads to hypertension. Second, smoking increases the risk of clogging the blood vessels by downgrading the elasticity of aorta which leads to blood clotting. Third, the heart and blood vessels would have to work harder after smoking increases the performance of the sympathetic nervous system.


- Smokers have high risk of acquiring several types of cancers. Apart from respiratory cancer which is caused by cigarette smoke, the chemical substances contained in every cigarette stick also impair the proper functions of other body systems such as digestive and endocrine systems.

Effects on Weight

For weight loss fanatics, smoking is a great way to kill appetite. With less appetite, there will be less food to consume. What these folks do not realize is the real effect of smoking to metabolism.

Metabolism can be increased by smoking cigarettes especially after meals. Our body tends to burn more calories than it should. In some cases, you will notice sweating during and after smoking even if there are no physical activities taking place. It's an indication that our body's metabolism is working double time. Although they may seem to be a good way to burn calories, the negative effects such as hypertension and heart related diseases are still at hand.

Now you choose - die earlier due to the negative effects of smoking or live longer by choosing other methods of losing weight.

By carefully analyzing the root cause of weight gain, smoking can never be considered an option to achieve our desired body shape. In essence, weight loss management should work hand in hand with an optimum health program.
Al V is a former operations manager in the contact center industry. He has trained and developed different types of leaders. He now works at home as a project manager. Part of his job is content management. He loves writing articles on various niches such as health, self-improvement, personality development, arts, science, technology, business, real estate and a whole lot more.
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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Why Do People Get Fat? - Understanding Obesity

Leptin was observed at the first time at 1994 by scientists. Some scientists call it our starvation hormone or the obese hormone. It is produced inside of our fat cells and its job to tell the brain whether there is a lack or exceeding amount of energy.

Each one of us is born with a certain Leptin "Threshold". When the leptin levels are going down below that threshold that means there is a lack of energy, and the Leptin hormone will signal the brain that more food is needed. When the Leptin levels are above that threshold, that means that there is enough energy, the Leptin will signal that to the brain and the brain will get into fullness mode.

OK that's nice to know, but it still does not explain why people are getting fat?
Scientists believed that in fat people, we would find low levels of Leptin in the fat cells. Researches showed that there are still high levels of Leptin even in obese people. That was a shock to the researchers and doctor who was investigating the leptin hormone and the way it works.

In overweighted people the problem is that the Leptin is sending the signal to the brain but the brain just will not get it. This phenomenon called Leptin resistance. It is similar to what happens in type 2 diabetes where the body is resistant to insulin. The pancreas would make a lot of insulin but the body won't react correctly.

The problem is that we have a red line at the bottom when we are short in Leptin, but there is no red line when we are having exceeding amounts of Leptin. When you are resistant to Leptin you have higher level of Leptin which means you are fat. But your brain won't recognize it. Let's put it that way, your brain is craving for food while your body is obese, and that's exactly what obesity is: When your brain is starving.

Leptin is not only tells us when we feel full or hungry. It also has an important role in the rewarding system. The food will be more rewarding when the Leptin levels are low. When the levels are high it should exhaust the rewarding system and make food feel less rewarding, so food will not look as good as before, and make you eat less, or stop eating.

But when you are resistant to Leptin, this rewarding system will not apply, and will not make the person to eat less, when your Leptin levels are high. The fat cells are responsible to create the leptin and by doing so they try to signal the brain that they do not need any more energy, but the brain just don't get it. You would still feel hungry and food would still look and taste good to you, you would keep eating and eating until you would get obese.

That was exciting news for the obese community since for the first time there was a scientific explanation that was describing their problem, instead of just thinking of them as fat people.
After searching and reviewing a lot of "lose weight fast" systems etc. I came across this unique program called, The Venus Factor. This program can teach you how to improve your leptin resistance. Click here if you are interested. The Venus Factor
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Weight Loss Diets That Work

Weight loss diets are widely applied by many people but not everyone gets the best results. The following are some weight loss diets that work for a slender physique in the shortest time.

Consider the health situation before dieting

Understanding the health situation and the reasons why you need a diet will be a solid foundation for you to choose the suitable diet plan as well as get the best result.
You should never try to lose weight too fast because only reasonable weight loss can guarantee your health. It is important that the goals you set out should be implemented persistently in a long time.

Find your own diet plan

Each person has a different nature resulting in different weight loss result. It is a wrong decision just to follow the old path of others without looking for your own diet plan.
Ideally, you should review and utilize the advantages of successful diets and make reasonable adjustments to have a perfect diet for your own. For example, if you are working a lot at night, you should not have a diet in the evening. It will cause you to snack late at night because of hunger.

Have a safe diet

Currently there is a lot of information about diets on the media and internet. But to understand the diet you choose, you should refer to the prestigious Web sites or scientific studies related to diet to ensure that it is safe for your health.

And if you want to achieve maximum results, you should consult with the dietician to understand more.

Have diversified meals with vegetables

Vegetables are good for weight loss. But it will be disastrous for your health if you think that you can diet with a single kind of vegetable.
Your meal will become more diversified and tasty if you refresh your diet by adding more vegetables. You should also combine vegetables with other foods to ensure that your body has enough energy for all the activities with effective weight loss as well.

Do not completely abstain one kind of food

Those who want to lose weight often promise to abandon their favorite foods rich in sugar and fat. But reality is that you continue to eat them one day, even eat too much to reward or compensate.
So rather than give up a favorite food, why not learn how to eat it in moderation? A good way to do that is to fill your stomach before eating your food. It is better to use high-fiber foods such as salad or soup.
Armed with the weight loss diets that work along with perseverance and effort to exercise regularly, you will soon achieve the highest efficiency.
In this program you will discover why so many other diets have failed, how easy it can be to start burning fat and this unique tip to lose weight very fast and naturally To learn how easy and effective this program is, go to
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Lift Weight, Lose Fat, Look Great

While at the gym, you probably have encountered some bad advice and heard some things that simply are not true. You may shy away from the weight room because you heard that lifting weights will give you large muscles. You may stick to the treadmill and aerobics classes, instead of lifting weights. What we fail to realize is that we all train our bodies for different things. Nobody ever got big muscles by accident. Just like you can build a routine to gain muscle, you can build a weight training program to reduce body fat and lose weight.

Suppose that over a period of six months, you lost thirty pounds by changing your diet and running on the treadmill four nights a week. You may think that you can recommend this strategy to anyone interested in losing weight and it will yield similar results. This strategy may have worked well for you but will not be as effective for someone else. Another person may need extended cardio to shed more calories. We all expend energy at different rates. Unfortunately, some have to work harder than others to get the same results. There is no universal program that works for everyone. It's up to you to find what works for the type of body you have. Your exercise program should match your goals.

During an initial assessment with a client, she informed me that she had lost weight by strictly doing cardio exercises. She was not pleased with the way that her arms looked and thought that they would have been leaner, after losing twenty pounds. Her arms stored a lot of fat and even though she lost weight, her arms looked the same. This is for common for that lose weight using this method. While her program was effective for burning calories, it was not as effective to reduce body fat. At this point, I took her body measurements, measured her skin folds with body fat calipers and recorded her current weight. I trained with her twice a week on a resistance based program and she still ran two to three times a week. After two months, she had shed two inches around her waist, reduced her body fat percentage by six percent and lost two pounds. She did not have large muscles, she had less fat on her arms and a smaller waist. The number on the scale can be deceiving. Although she only lost two pounds, she had seen more changes in her body than ever before.

You can lift heavy weights and not look like a bodybuilder. Choosing compound exercises, such as squats and deadlifts will help to recruit more muscle groups and expend more energy. This doesn't mean to lift heavy every day or to go so heavy that you end up arching your back or altering your posture. Integrate some heavy weight training into your weekly routine to add another dimension to your program. Go as heavy as your body will allow you to, without sacrificing form. If you have to alter your body mechanics, then the weight is too heavy for you. There should always be a strong emphasis on proper form, especially when lifting heavy.

I've become familiar with people of all different body types. Through trails and testing is how I learned the most effective ways to address each unique physique. You can use weights to add muscle and to lose body fat, while dropping weight. It all depends on how you structure your routine. Though each body is different, the principles remain the same. Never compromise your form for another rep or heavier weight.

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The Understanding of Metabolism

Metabolism (from Greek: μεταβολή metabolē, "change") is the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of living organisms. These enzyme-catalyzed reactions allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments.

Weight gain is most often the result of consuming more calories than you burn. The way to lose that weight is to burn more calories than you consume. Seems a pretty simple equation, however most times we do not know how to implement that equation within our own bodies neither do we acknowledge how imbalanced that scales are in our own systems.

What we need to understand is the process that our systems use to convert the material substance of the food we eat into the energy we need to burn. At times when the imbalance is too great we give our bodies too much material (food) and don't help it convert that substance into energy.

Metabolism is the chemical process that takes place when your body converts what you consume into energy for your body to use. This is a fundamental process we as humans need to understand as this relates to why obesity and overweight issues arise in our day to day lives.

Factors that influence the way our bodies convert energy is Age: As you get older your metabolism can slow down. Illness: During an illness your metabolism may not burn as many calories. The types of food we eat: when our diets consist mostly of processed foods or unnaturally generated food items these become difficult for our body to digest and process, which causes these products to be stored up in our bodies as excess fat.
There are two ways to decrease calories and boost your metabolism, diet and exercise.

Eating the right foods is essential to shedding those pounds for good. There are many foods which serve as metabolism boosters that shred your body fat. When eaten on a regular basis as a part of a healthy lifestyle these foods effectively reprogram your body to consume calories more frequently and more often with greater rates of intensity.

Exercise is also paramount to kick starting your metabolism. Exercising burns calories. The longer and/or higher intensity you exercise the more calories you burn. Scientifically speaking, for every action there is a reaction. When you combine low calorie, high fiber foods, that are rich in nutrients and a daily exercise program you will shed body fat.
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Are You Ready To Give Up Junk Food?

Have you decided to give up that bag of potato chips or candy bar and opt for a nice juicy apple or orange instead? For those of you who are determined to improve your health and get fit, these seemingly minor decisions make all the difference in the world when it comes to weight loss.

Let's face it, if you want to lose weight the natural way, you need to eat healthy. Not only healthy types of foods but also in appropriate portion sizes. In other words, sure apples are healthy, but if 20 of them are eaten at once, that's far too many calories.

Granted that's an extreme exaggeration since who in their right mind would ever try to eat 20 apples at one time, it's meant to make you aware of the potential dangers still associated even when healthy food is placed in front of you.

One of the best ways to combat the junk food issue is to make sure that stuff is not littered throughout your kitchen. When you don't have instant access at a moments notice to items such as potato chips, soda, cupcakes, cookies, and donuts, you won't be able to toss them into your body regularly.

Instead, immerse yourself amongst foods that will have a positive impact on your body. Not only will having healthy snacks in your kitchen help you eat more appropriately when at home, but having access to this food will inspire you to take them with you especially when you go to work.

Therefore instead of having to resort to vending machine purchases, most of which are calorie and sugar packed nightmares, you can take a fruit or two along with a couple bottles of water to satisfy your hunger cravings in between meals.

Making these small yet crucial changes in your eating habits will help create a healthy life. It's a slow, steady process continued on a regular basis that will get you out of an overweight or obese status. But it's got to come from you and your true desire to want to make a change. No one can make this choice for you.

Take the initiative and start out the right way when you give up junk food. Once this is taken care of you will have taken a giant step forward in the fight to get fit. Remember, it's a process that will take time and commitment, so take the first initial step and get rid of that junk food.
Gregory L. Gomez, a LAUSD teacher who's also on journey to develop a healthy life in an effort to lose weight and get in shape. Follow his progress on as he strives to lose nearly 100 pounds by eating healthy and maintaining a consistent exercise routine. Get a FREE monthly Healthy Choices Newsletter along with a Healthy Eating eBook just for stopping by at
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4 Times To Do Exercises For Weight Loss

Choosing the suitable time to take exercise for weight loss is the most effective way to help our body burn calories.

Using any time you have to do exercise and burn calories is really necessary. However, you should arrange time to make a specific schedule and have the essential exercise to help you burn fat effectively. These are 4 certain times you should choose to make your weight loss exercise succeed and burn calories faster.

Taking exercise before your meeting

Doing some simple movements like sitting at one place, then taking a deep breath; or standing up, gently bending your whole body, then folding your knees,... can effectively reduce stress and burn fat.

Working out before sleeping

Gently having some simple exercises not only helps you burn the extra calories, but also gives you a good sleep. Many researchers have shown that working out with soft yoga steps or jogging in a short time will bring you a better sleep.
Gentle movements before sleeping are also the effective ways for overweight people to burn fat faster and better.

Exercising in the evening

You don't have enough time to exercise in the morning because you have to prepare for your job? Working in the office also means sitting most of the time and lacking of exercise? So the most suitable time for you to work out is the evening. Exercising at this time of the day can prevent many bad things like cramp, over stretched and sore muscles.

Exercising in the early morning

Getting up 30 minutes earlier than the other days and doing some exercises will help you blow your mind and start the new day with full of energy. This is the result of waking up your body properly and effectively. Morning is the best time when extra calories are burnt the fastest and the most effectively.

According to a study published in British Journal of Nutrition, people using the running machine before breakfast will burn 20% of extra calories in comparison with the ones having breakfast before running.
Morning is a certain time when your body burns more energy through sweat glands and your stomach will burn the amount of extra fat. Therefore, you can lose weight and decrease the blood lipids. You should also have some snacks before doing exercise to reach the effectiveness of weight loss.

Let's choose the most suitable time for you. Wish you success!
Discover the advantages of healthy weight loss and see the benefits that a weight loss exercise can do for you.

To learn more about how to lose weight quickly, safely and naturally. Get more information here!
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