Friday, March 13, 2015

Successful Weight Loss Now - Prime Yourself For Results

Priming is an implicit memory effect in which exposure to one stimulus influences a response to another stimulus.

So what on earth does this have to do with weight loss. Priming for weight loss results may not be something you have considered.

But have you realised you have been priming yourself to not succeed for years. You haven't done this consciously but every time you struggle with your weight, or feel dejected, or when you feel down looking at air brushed photos of supermodels in glossy magazines.

So let's put the past aside and focus on how you can use this powerful method to help you succeed. Some of the steps you are taking may seem positive, such as buying the latest diet book or video, or cleaning out the pantry and discarding any threats to weight gain.

But you have done this before, maybe many times, so the very act of trying to help yourself could be just another cream bun on the thighs of disappointment.

So how do you start to prime yourself in the right direction. Firstly the desire is to get fast results, but deep down you know that doesn't work, so let's take it a step at a time.

Say you want to lose ten kilos. Let's focus on just 2 kilos to start with. Imagine having already achieved your result. How would you move and breathe and think and feel if you had. Prime your imagination to lead you to live as if you are already successful at weight loss.

Next sit down and make a list of words which express your desires. i.e. thin, light, healthy, happy, quick, energetic, slim, sexy, etc. It's important that you make the list to fit your feelings. These are now your priming words.

Perhaps you could make a few short statements, such as I'm feeling slim fit and healthy, or I feel light, energetic and sexy. These statements repeated soon filter into your subconscious and become the default feeling and belief.

Of course this process can be speed up dramatically with hypnosis. This overcomes having to chip away at your subconscious resistance.

Other ways you can prime your unconscious mind is to place sticky notes in obvious places with your words on each. Seeing these words even in your periphery will keep the process moving forward.
It's easy to dismiss simple ideas, but it doesn't have to be complicated, after all simple messages such as eat up all your food, what about the starving children, or if you are a good child you can have dessert, were easily implanted in your subconscious.

And now if you would like to discover the missing key to weight loss Ian Newton invites you to go to

Keep healthy and happy

Ian Newton

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